I am not the strongest of men; rather I am frail and a broken cistern. There are many things I have pridefully searched and found utterly anticlimactic on MY OWN accord that helped me realize more and more; I cannot lead my own life.
Today I live redeemed, still affected by my prideful desires. But do know this fact about me: My hope is in God and in Him I am defined. My greatest desire is to embody God’s love and to joyfully live this life to eternity. To give the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all of me, from which all that I do is directed and influenced by HIM.
Pursuing you has tested my inner man and still I am being challenged to this day. God has led me thus far in this process of our relationship from strangers to friends and to significant friends with romantic affectionate benefits. I so earnestly want the best for you and at times I know the things I feel are the best for you are NOT, instead they are for my selfish pleasures. I find that it is easy for me to protect you from outside harm apart from me, but the truest struggle at times is protecting you from my self. This will NOT be the death of our right relationship, nor be the barrier that hinders us from pursuing God with all that we are as individuals and as a unit together.
I have committed myself long ago to do what is honorable in the presence of God, even if it shall hurt me to the end, purifying in its purpose. God says it is better to suffer for His sake when things become difficult and this my soul knows well. I like you very much, but I cannot be with you if God does not trust me to hold you. You are in my life and I consider you to be a blessing, which leads me to think that God believes I CAN care for “His little girl.” There is still much that I need to learn about this kind of relationship I have with you. I want to be a good son, a good friend, and a good man to you.
You are beautiful to me. I see your heart’s desire to experience only the most glorious things in life. You are a delight to be around. You are precious because God says you are. My heartbeat accelerates when you give me your undivided attention. I wish you could taste how awesome it is for me to feel this way about you. I see wisdom is your clothing. I support all of these and more.
I thank you for touching me in a way that I feel profoundly cared for. Thank you for embracing me for who I am: the good, the silly, the serious/thinky, the bad, and the curious… plus more. I thank you for trusting me and putting exertion/ effort in our relationship. I thank you for allowing God to work through you.
I am excited to see what God has in store for us as son and daughter. I am excited for our relationship, to where God will lead it. God defines how we should interpret our experiences. To you, I give you my word: I shall live by what I believe, feel and say in submission or abiding in LOVE, Christ Love.
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