This summer of 2010 was a different kind. A significant transition occurred; among my intimate friends we decided to establish ourselves at Rock Harbor Fullerton church and call it our home. It has been a great blessing to belong at this congregation where the Spirit is evidently active and inspiring His people into action as doers of the Word. As I embark on my journey at Rock Harbor Fullerton, I am led by the Spirit to meditate more about what spreading the love could look like for this particular chapter of my life.
In the midst of getting involved, a few of my life group sisters shared their passionate story about volunteering at SOLFUL camp and how they needed more volunteers. Basically the city of Fullerton took a hit when “California budget cuts have forced the closure of summer school and given thousands of children no where to go.” Therefore SOLFUL, also known as Summer of Love Fullerton Camp came into existence as an initiative act to meet this need; which by the way was decided among a band of churches (including Rock Harbor Fullerton) who have passionate hearts to transform the Fullerton community. How cool is that!? As I heard about the unfortunate situation of these children, my heart immediately was stirred up to do something and I knew it was God’s way of directing me to this opportunity; the opportunity to be a catalyst for love by giving my time to SOLFUL camp and creating space in me for the Spirit work through me.
As the days pass by at camp, God was illuminating things to me about love and children. I came into camp as a stranger to these kids without a clue of what God intended for me and over time building my relationship I’ve become somewhat of a hero to them. My relationship with the children grew stronger. By engaging in their lives I became more attached and consequently my affections for them progressively deepened. So when I realized my position of the significant influence I have over them; it was not long that I arrived to understand the importance and profound impact I could have long-term in such tiny beautiful little beings . When SOLFUL camp reached its’ half way mark, I began to continually asked myself a very serious and sobering question: How can I express love on to these children and have it possible for them to personally experience this kind of love in a soul touching, meaningful way? I think it’s fascinating to be reminded time after time by how much I can learn from my relationships.
The Holy Spirit enlightened me as I meditated on my interaction at camp. The love my kids at camp needed is someone (me) genuinely to support and believe in them. To love them by taking the time/ effort to discern, then meet them wherever they're at and guide them properly through the reality of life. Do not mistake me for talking about the prevalent unsubstantial Christianity “fluff” where too often we smother children with praises because we’re so worried they may acquire low self-esteem and so we compromise and they become prideful or that which we distract them with gifts just so children can forget about/ escape their hurts without ever guiding them to confront challenges, sheltering them from reality or when we lack firmness and not follow through with disciplinary consequences because we ourselves cannot endure to experience the uneasiness of children going through something difficult of admonishment, etc. Sadly, I’m not exempt from these examples but now I choose to love wisely with conviction.
Love has many different sides when expressing it given the context. I had the opportunity and joy to practice loving well. I was put into situations of consoling children who were teased at, giving affirmation appropriately when it was called for, standing alongside befriending a few who struggled to be part of the "clique," encouraging a few who felt insecure playing soccer because they weren’t as good as some kids were, and executing disciplinary course of action when a child at camp was deviant and had a negative attitude, regardless of situation the Spirit was so gracious to empower me with discernment for when administering the right kind of love. I wish you could see the transformation that happened to my kids at camp when love is expressed just right. Their joyful attitude is so evident by their faces and the respect they had for me increased by their change of behavior for the better.
I grew more of a firm believer that love is intentional and with purpose. SOLFUL was not a program to babysit but I believe it was about empowering children to be the individual they were designed by God to be. I was so amazed of my children; I saw many of them find new strength to their spirit that was not there before. When children are at their weak point in of themselves or in need, I gave compassion and took delight in who they were as persons, that by my action I expressed an important message I wanted them to feel and understand: they are worthy to be love and cared for unconditionally. I guess what I'm trying to say too is God does just the same to us as adults.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
In this moment
There are things I feel, I can’t explain…
Words that I can’t find to express to you this sense in me…
I wish I knew how…
It’s a feeling I can’t deny
I’ve been looking for my self
I can’t quite figure it out
This kind of man I was designed to be
You say you want to help me,
But that’s only true for such a short time.
I find myself wandering into many different places
And still not one ever feels quite like home
In fact I’m not sure what home is suppose to feel like.
I find no rest for the comfort of my soul
And yet you and others find a home in me
I have given most a proper genuine love a person can have
Nevertheless they still want more
Are you not satisfied?
I’m not lost
I’m confused
I’m so caught up making you happy
I’m realizing you’re only worried about your happiness.
I have not time to figure my own.
Who am I?
I don’t want you to tell me who I am
Or who I’m supposed to be
All that you know is what you like
And most convenient to you
All that you’ve done for me is tell me to change
Change to better suit your disposition
To become amiable to your insecurities
I’m tired of that.
How long can a man endure
Before he starts to decay inside.
Where’s my love?
You want me to love you,
But you can’t seem to find it in you.
Remember the Golden Rule?
Words that I can’t find to express to you this sense in me…
I wish I knew how…
It’s a feeling I can’t deny
I’ve been looking for my self
I can’t quite figure it out
This kind of man I was designed to be
You say you want to help me,
But that’s only true for such a short time.
I find myself wandering into many different places
And still not one ever feels quite like home
In fact I’m not sure what home is suppose to feel like.
I find no rest for the comfort of my soul
And yet you and others find a home in me
I have given most a proper genuine love a person can have
Nevertheless they still want more
Are you not satisfied?
I’m not lost
I’m confused
I’m so caught up making you happy
I’m realizing you’re only worried about your happiness.
I have not time to figure my own.
Who am I?
I don’t want you to tell me who I am
Or who I’m supposed to be
All that you know is what you like
And most convenient to you
All that you’ve done for me is tell me to change
Change to better suit your disposition
To become amiable to your insecurities
I’m tired of that.
How long can a man endure
Before he starts to decay inside.
Where’s my love?
You want me to love you,
But you can’t seem to find it in you.
Remember the Golden Rule?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Kiss of Sanctuary
There is a place for those whom are ashamed
A place for those who are desperate,
A place for those who's soul cannot find rest.
All are welcomed
Freedom reigns here
This is reality others have found and never looked back
If thee seek this place
Thee shall discover in thy heart unknown to thyself a deep sincere gratitude
It's a place thee shall never forget and never desire to leave
Once thee enter,
Thy being is penetrated with bliss
Newness becomes of thee
Thy heart pounds to a new rhythm,
Of wonder are the lens with which thy eyes now see
A beat of centripetal force that anyone cannot deny.
Life truly begins and ends here.
To whom is found guilty shall find embrace through mercy.
To whom being contrite shall be deeply purified and captivated by grace.
This place is the highest and greatest love story.
Behold this place is in Him.
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
A place for those who are desperate,
A place for those who's soul cannot find rest.
All are welcomed
Freedom reigns here
This is reality others have found and never looked back
If thee seek this place
Thee shall discover in thy heart unknown to thyself a deep sincere gratitude
It's a place thee shall never forget and never desire to leave
Once thee enter,
Thy being is penetrated with bliss
Newness becomes of thee
Thy heart pounds to a new rhythm,
Of wonder are the lens with which thy eyes now see
A beat of centripetal force that anyone cannot deny.
Life truly begins and ends here.
To whom is found guilty shall find embrace through mercy.
To whom being contrite shall be deeply purified and captivated by grace.
This place is the highest and greatest love story.
Behold this place is in Him.
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A son's return
Sometimes I get in a state of being, this discontentment about the present inward life, a feeling of restlessness.
I soon arrive to asking myself, is this it? Is this all that life has to offer? And usually (almost always) this would be the best time to examine the kind of lifestyle I've been leading. I believe there is a root to why I am in this state of mind. Thus by my investigation of my current life happenings I realize how astray my heart really is from God. I have come to a place of idleness in nurturing my spiritual inward life. I see in a mirror a man (me) who's given up on himself. Apathy and aimlessness becomes of me.
But with all this said and done, I cannot continue living like this. I say this NOT because it's the right answer, instead because I hate living like this. I do not feel alive. I feel depressed, sad, and melancholy. It's quite pitiful and pathetic actually. What's worst is I do not really do much about it, except distract myself from my present state of being, I find an escape. I just do not think about it. I fill up my time with mindless things from watching a movie, taking a nap, to playing sports, just really focusing on not bringing attention to my depressing innermost life.
Nevertheless deep inside in the very core of my being I absolutely know life is not supposed to be this way. I look at my hands before me signifying my disgust toward my restless uneasiness about my present internal reality. I soon confront again these questions I must ask myself to bring me back to the value of life: purpose and meaning. I can never truly be at peace with myself and have joy in my life, unless I first understand and am reminded of why I exist here on earth. That my existence here on earth counts for something.
I'm not trying to be a somebody or above anyone, but I honestly have come to embrace this strong desire I posses to make my life count. Nothing else could be worse than that of a life wasted on nothingness, without ever having a deep, transcendent, and soul consuming purpose; worthwhile to live out. This is what I believe: God created me from His freewill and all acts that can only be traced back to Him is the root and is the essence of His perfect love. If then I was created by His love, I realize He desires to share His love to me. And if then I am gifted by His love, what shall I do with this love but display "it" for others to realize as well that God's love was meant to be experienced and shared. Yet I cannot come to experience God's love, if this heart of mine is on idle from Him. I must draw near to Him and be responsible for my relational covenant I have with the person of God.
Main point is to be astray from God is hopelessness. To be with God is everything life was/is meant to be. Joy and life's satisfaction begins and ends with God.
I soon arrive to asking myself, is this it? Is this all that life has to offer? And usually (almost always) this would be the best time to examine the kind of lifestyle I've been leading. I believe there is a root to why I am in this state of mind. Thus by my investigation of my current life happenings I realize how astray my heart really is from God. I have come to a place of idleness in nurturing my spiritual inward life. I see in a mirror a man (me) who's given up on himself. Apathy and aimlessness becomes of me.
But with all this said and done, I cannot continue living like this. I say this NOT because it's the right answer, instead because I hate living like this. I do not feel alive. I feel depressed, sad, and melancholy. It's quite pitiful and pathetic actually. What's worst is I do not really do much about it, except distract myself from my present state of being, I find an escape. I just do not think about it. I fill up my time with mindless things from watching a movie, taking a nap, to playing sports, just really focusing on not bringing attention to my depressing innermost life.
Nevertheless deep inside in the very core of my being I absolutely know life is not supposed to be this way. I look at my hands before me signifying my disgust toward my restless uneasiness about my present internal reality. I soon confront again these questions I must ask myself to bring me back to the value of life: purpose and meaning. I can never truly be at peace with myself and have joy in my life, unless I first understand and am reminded of why I exist here on earth. That my existence here on earth counts for something.
I'm not trying to be a somebody or above anyone, but I honestly have come to embrace this strong desire I posses to make my life count. Nothing else could be worse than that of a life wasted on nothingness, without ever having a deep, transcendent, and soul consuming purpose; worthwhile to live out. This is what I believe: God created me from His freewill and all acts that can only be traced back to Him is the root and is the essence of His perfect love. If then I was created by His love, I realize He desires to share His love to me. And if then I am gifted by His love, what shall I do with this love but display "it" for others to realize as well that God's love was meant to be experienced and shared. Yet I cannot come to experience God's love, if this heart of mine is on idle from Him. I must draw near to Him and be responsible for my relational covenant I have with the person of God.
Main point is to be astray from God is hopelessness. To be with God is everything life was/is meant to be. Joy and life's satisfaction begins and ends with God.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Bearer of the light, which enlightens all men.
In the still of the night I wait...
As others cradled in their sleep...
I reflect upon the many hours before...
Searching through the past moments of yesterday....
Where are you taking me?
What are you showing me?
I close my eyes to see...
I watch as a bystander of the past...
I saw this kind of person...
I perceived him giving all that he is,
Without the pretense...
He was a protector, a giver, benevolent, passionate, mindful, and present being...
This heart you cultivated and transformed...
In you I am breathing and living...
Loneliness is gone,
When love exists.
As others cradled in their sleep...
I reflect upon the many hours before...
Searching through the past moments of yesterday....
Where are you taking me?
What are you showing me?
I close my eyes to see...
I watch as a bystander of the past...
I saw this kind of person...
I perceived him giving all that he is,
Without the pretense...
He was a protector, a giver, benevolent, passionate, mindful, and present being...
This heart you cultivated and transformed...
In you I am breathing and living...
Loneliness is gone,
When love exists.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
emptied to be filled again
When the river dries up as in the African Savannah,
When grass fades, disappear, and all that is left- dirt and dust,
When trees yield no more leaves, becoming limp- slowly dying,
When animals perish from deficiency, nutrients diminished,
The earth grows a thirst, for birth of life....
The days are long
The days are slow
The days are easily forgotten
The days lethargically spent
A silent scream of frustration within
The bread of life is much needed.
Rain pours out and delivers life again...
The Spirit pours out, rejuvenates a weary soul...
Again this jar of clay filled with living water...
When grass fades, disappear, and all that is left- dirt and dust,
When trees yield no more leaves, becoming limp- slowly dying,
When animals perish from deficiency, nutrients diminished,
The earth grows a thirst, for birth of life....
The days are long
The days are slow
The days are easily forgotten
The days lethargically spent
A silent scream of frustration within
The bread of life is much needed.
Rain pours out and delivers life again...
The Spirit pours out, rejuvenates a weary soul...
Again this jar of clay filled with living water...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Today's thoughts.
Over and over like a cassette tape on replay, through out my conscious journey; I am consistently thinking about what it means to live in the present moment. I think most of this wonder and curiosity is rooted from wanting every drop out of life. Today I woke up and decided to play a competitive game of ultimate frisbee on a Sunday afternoon at the park. A little over midway of the game I sensed an internal change of attitude creep up on me. No doubt about it, I was arriving to a point of exhaustion and it was a challenge to keep my performance high- but what was interesting is this attitude that crept up on me because it presented to me that I needed to cut back on my effort, slack a little bit, keep it to a minimum, allow myself to become lackadaisical. I know my body is tired but I realize it was also affecting my drive/passion to play my best. The latter does not have to be. I was disgusted by this attitude and I was not going to allow this to swallow me. Something that is very important to me is will, choice and freedom to act according to how I want to handle myself internally when it comes to my attitude and mentality. Why? Because autonomy is a beautiful aspect about living life, it allows for a way we color our lives. And so midway of the game, I decided right then and there, though I was very tired, I was going to apply myself in the best and optimum measure of game play action. It's interesting how God reveals certain truths about ourselves, there's a truth about this experience I think is applicable to a lot of areas in my life.
A character I want to cultivate and have committed myself to is this pursuit to be the best that I can be especially in the arena of challenges- first and foremost the kind of person I am, then naturally flow the kind of quality performance I produce and make that reality by willing to apply myself. This is a true wonder of God- freedom and autonomy is one of many gifts to us. Since love is the meaning to life; to live every drop of life in the present moment needs passion and deliberate will to abide in love. What does this mean? It means to live and operate as a person God intended and fashioned our being to be. To know this means a lot of introspective search for ourselves and seeking God thru it all.
A character I want to cultivate and have committed myself to is this pursuit to be the best that I can be especially in the arena of challenges- first and foremost the kind of person I am, then naturally flow the kind of quality performance I produce and make that reality by willing to apply myself. This is a true wonder of God- freedom and autonomy is one of many gifts to us. Since love is the meaning to life; to live every drop of life in the present moment needs passion and deliberate will to abide in love. What does this mean? It means to live and operate as a person God intended and fashioned our being to be. To know this means a lot of introspective search for ourselves and seeking God thru it all.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The end of a story.

When I gave this precious heart,
Day by day, the closer she experienced my center.
Affix I became to her as we grew.
I was very much present and in the moments.
I honored her.
I repented.
I pursued her.
I desired her.
I poured out.
Things were serene.
My thoughts were hers.
Rejected at times,
But nevertheless I'm still hers.
My lips were hers.
I cared considerably.
A day it was when soberness I became.
This day I came to play,
In return I was burned.
And twas painful.
Again and again I chose to play,
Hoping a difference,
Yet what I once enjoyed,
Now became blind to the fragility
of my dear heart.
Another day I went to pray.
Seeking to know my own heart,
and wanting to know His.
The word came to an end.
Disappointment filled me,
yet hope was still great.
No longer was I to give my heart.
I surgically removed a part of me.
I wept inside and I said goodbye.
My heart knows a deeper sting.
Openness hurts.
But today I stand more than I was.
My case rests on Him.
For tomorrow brings new hope.
My precious center restored.
Still this desire exists.
This cultivated heart shall belong to..?
Friday, May 21, 2010
An honest man must see his own wretchedness,
and understand he cannot come to purity of mind and heart,
without the obedience of will to the hand who fashioned him.
Love is best deepened in trials of tribulation.
Love requires all that is within.
Love progresses in time,
when man deliberately confronts depravity,
and reject its influences.
It is love to obey, when complying produces holiness.
To Love holiness is perfecting personhood.
and understand he cannot come to purity of mind and heart,
without the obedience of will to the hand who fashioned him.
Love is best deepened in trials of tribulation.
Love requires all that is within.
Love progresses in time,
when man deliberately confronts depravity,
and reject its influences.
It is love to obey, when complying produces holiness.
To Love holiness is perfecting personhood.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Look and see
Integrity will be the test...
Hidden Eyes upon him...
You see such power and authority...
How majestic...
Freedom shall reign...
Perception is all that you have...
Promising are his ways...
Consistent will he be...
Where is this joy found..?
Definition is found in Love...
Truth shall be his maker...
Always with him is his confidence...
Who stands before you..?

Is a son.
A playful cub.
Eternally beloved.
Courageous servant.
Hope embodies him.
A heart of treasure.
A lions heart.
Hidden Eyes upon him...
You see such power and authority...
How majestic...
Freedom shall reign...
Perception is all that you have...
Promising are his ways...
Consistent will he be...
Where is this joy found..?
Definition is found in Love...
Truth shall be his maker...
Always with him is his confidence...
Who stands before you..?

Is a son.
A playful cub.
Eternally beloved.
Courageous servant.
Hope embodies him.
A heart of treasure.
A lions heart.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Beneath it all.

I see hope in the gaze of your eyes.
Your laughters echo tenderness to me.
Do you know true beauty shines when the heart is free?
It is no mystery where you come from.
Sprinkles of joy befall me.
Giver is what you deliver.
I see you and your pretty things.
Discerning I look and see.
Truly your heart is free.
Hopes and fear I sense lurk deep within.
Yet secure in faith, the greater things shall arrive.
This your soul knows well, for love is to be alive.
Keep flying, I say!
Soar and glide with dignity.
Keep running, I say!
Enjoy the scene with strength and endurance.
A gift most precious.
Above all objects;
Worthy than jewels of the world.
The perfect gift is a person inside, made of wonder.
To you, I honor.
Be great and loving!
To His little girl.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Unyielding devotion

I felt it in my bones.
Weak, frail, and starving I was.
The mind dwelled in fear.
How shall I be?
Broken is a portion within.
The soul grows a thirst.
Struggling to cowardice.
You maneuvered so stealthily.
Once was I, a fool.
But this day, sword beheld sharpened and tested.
No longer a stranger to your ways.
My heart shall not consume hallow promises.
With no little courage I fix my spirit against you.
Always I remember this covenant I bear, rooted, built-up and established.
I have struck down beasts and dragons and you shall be like one of them.
"This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I will strike you down and cut off your head."
This heart roars with thunders of righteousness.
These eyes behold piercing vision beyond earthly ways.
This mind consumes purity and demolishes the crooked.
This spirit united to the holy, holy, holy.
Timeless Love defines this figured clay.
"in Him I live and move and have my being."
"To Him who sit on, heaven's mercy seat."
Thursday, May 6, 2010
An honest confession.
This is where I am.
I'm happy, hopeful, but sad.
I'm happy that I get to share my affections and receive yours.
I'm hopeful about what God is doing in your life, in mine, and what this relationship could be like.
I'm sad that my heart and mind is drifting from you.
I'm sad because I'm hurt by what you mean behind your spoken words.
I'm pleased by who your are.
I perceive you are intelligent, amiable, empathetic, established in God, Potentially the best you can, and a working progress.
I'm displeased because there are things we do not have in common and cannot share together, and these things I hold to be important.
I perceive we have values and convictions that do not overlap.
I pray for you to be blessed- transformed more by God, the way He intended and most definitely lead you in the way He purposefully called you to and designed you for.
I am a friend to you and you are a friend to me.
I thank you for your patience and the nice things you do.
I thank you for forgiving me when I failed to be a good man to you and by my err simultaneously dishonoring God.
I'm grateful for the tender and dreamlike moments you shared with me.
I'm grateful for accepting my silliness and seeing me for who I am.
I'm grateful, God blessed me with you to transform my heart to be more than it was.
I honor you with my thoughts.
I miss you.
But this I understand, you belong to God and I belong to Him as well.
I hope I was not troublesome to you.
You are a good woman.
I was willing to work things out, but there is too much resistance on the other side for me to endure.
I'm not always right and I gladly admit.
My heart is mine to hold, to keep, to nurture, to guard, to give, and I owe my heart first to God.
My heart submits and abides in Him.
My heart's allegiance is His.
I have received authority over my heart.
I'm committed to do right for God and I will do what's right for me.
I wish for enjoyment in your next chapter.
Farewell dear friend.
I'm happy, hopeful, but sad.
I'm happy that I get to share my affections and receive yours.
I'm hopeful about what God is doing in your life, in mine, and what this relationship could be like.
I'm sad that my heart and mind is drifting from you.
I'm sad because I'm hurt by what you mean behind your spoken words.
I'm pleased by who your are.
I perceive you are intelligent, amiable, empathetic, established in God, Potentially the best you can, and a working progress.
I'm displeased because there are things we do not have in common and cannot share together, and these things I hold to be important.
I perceive we have values and convictions that do not overlap.
I pray for you to be blessed- transformed more by God, the way He intended and most definitely lead you in the way He purposefully called you to and designed you for.
I am a friend to you and you are a friend to me.
I thank you for your patience and the nice things you do.
I thank you for forgiving me when I failed to be a good man to you and by my err simultaneously dishonoring God.
I'm grateful for the tender and dreamlike moments you shared with me.
I'm grateful for accepting my silliness and seeing me for who I am.
I'm grateful, God blessed me with you to transform my heart to be more than it was.
I honor you with my thoughts.
I miss you.
But this I understand, you belong to God and I belong to Him as well.
I hope I was not troublesome to you.
You are a good woman.
I was willing to work things out, but there is too much resistance on the other side for me to endure.
I'm not always right and I gladly admit.
My heart is mine to hold, to keep, to nurture, to guard, to give, and I owe my heart first to God.
My heart submits and abides in Him.
My heart's allegiance is His.
I have received authority over my heart.
I'm committed to do right for God and I will do what's right for me.
I wish for enjoyment in your next chapter.
Farewell dear friend.
Dear His little girl,

I am not the strongest of men; rather I am frail and a broken cistern. There are many things I have pridefully searched and found utterly anticlimactic on MY OWN accord that helped me realize more and more; I cannot lead my own life.
Today I live redeemed, still affected by my prideful desires. But do know this fact about me: My hope is in God and in Him I am defined. My greatest desire is to embody God’s love and to joyfully live this life to eternity. To give the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all of me, from which all that I do is directed and influenced by HIM.
Pursuing you has tested my inner man and still I am being challenged to this day. God has led me thus far in this process of our relationship from strangers to friends and to significant friends with romantic affectionate benefits. I so earnestly want the best for you and at times I know the things I feel are the best for you are NOT, instead they are for my selfish pleasures. I find that it is easy for me to protect you from outside harm apart from me, but the truest struggle at times is protecting you from my self. This will NOT be the death of our right relationship, nor be the barrier that hinders us from pursuing God with all that we are as individuals and as a unit together.
I have committed myself long ago to do what is honorable in the presence of God, even if it shall hurt me to the end, purifying in its purpose. God says it is better to suffer for His sake when things become difficult and this my soul knows well. I like you very much, but I cannot be with you if God does not trust me to hold you. You are in my life and I consider you to be a blessing, which leads me to think that God believes I CAN care for “His little girl.” There is still much that I need to learn about this kind of relationship I have with you. I want to be a good son, a good friend, and a good man to you.
You are beautiful to me. I see your heart’s desire to experience only the most glorious things in life. You are a delight to be around. You are precious because God says you are. My heartbeat accelerates when you give me your undivided attention. I wish you could taste how awesome it is for me to feel this way about you. I see wisdom is your clothing. I support all of these and more.
I thank you for touching me in a way that I feel profoundly cared for. Thank you for embracing me for who I am: the good, the silly, the serious/thinky, the bad, and the curious… plus more. I thank you for trusting me and putting exertion/ effort in our relationship. I thank you for allowing God to work through you.
I am excited to see what God has in store for us as son and daughter. I am excited for our relationship, to where God will lead it. God defines how we should interpret our experiences. To you, I give you my word: I shall live by what I believe, feel and say in submission or abiding in LOVE, Christ Love.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
is satan real?
God is real and so is satan.
It has come to my attention that it is good to have a clear and real understanding that satan and demons exist. As much as I believe in angels and God with His mighty infinite strength, I cannot be so naive that the devil does not have powers in this world and is capable of destroying my life even if I am a son of the most high, or genuinely am a Christian. I am not claiming or declaring that my God has no sovereignty over everything, but what I am deliberating with my written words is, your a fool to think that demons don't exist and can have no harmful affect/effects in your life.
Spiritual warfare is very real. Its too often we forget or don't even believe because of reasons such as these: we cannot see spiritual warfare tangibly, we expect something dramatically awful that it would be difficult not to notice it (like a shark taking chunk of your body in one bite), we naively believe the fact that God will protect us, without any participation on our part to actually practice or equip ourselves with the spiritual disciplines from God, or simply we are in denial that evilness actually lurks within our lives. It's hard to understand how evil works, when we do not understand how sin applies to our practical lives. Sin in our lives is the influence of and a well executed devised plan of satan.
Truth about the work of the spiritual evil ones:
He is subtle with his strategy to destroy you. He has one objective in your life, to have you go to hell and taste the freshness of pain, suffering and agony that will NEVER END, God forsaken place of eternity. Any kind of relationship that you have with people is the main instrument the evil one will have you participate in sin and have sin caused upon you. His strategy of manipulating you to sin is geometrically progressive, which means he'll trap you with small enticing and seemingly non-harmful sins (yet still a sin) that has a snowball effect; you later find yourself deep and lost in a sinful dark world. His deceptions and lies are most powerful and truth sounding in areas where you feel inadequate, insecure, and hurt. He will manipulate you to think that your close loved ones are your enemies. He has a way to make you doubt yourself. His main weapon is the scare tactic. He will give you all that you want, but NOT as soul quenching and satisfying as you had hoped and in the end you still feel empty and definitely depressed. He'll give you success in the way your pride defines it but in reality you sold or exchanged your soul for a moment's pleasure. He does a good job of distracting you with the things you like most. He will make you feel alone, that no one truly cares about you. You will know that he has a hold of you, when you have become ungrateful, pessimistic of everything, cannot trust anyone, you're constantly angry, unforgiving, bitter toward strangers and to many friends, judgmental/non-accepting of people, your thoughts are filled with lust, violence, evil exploitations and crudeness, and a narcissist. He will deceive you to believe your emotional feeling of experiences hold precedent over what is actually true or fact in reality. He'll make you feel powerful and love by many; but this power makes you obsessively paranoid and people love you for what you possess and or what they can take from you, they do NOT love you for who you are. He wants to scare you and debilitate you from actually believing God is seriously sovereign over demons/devil. He tempts you in the areas of your life where you think you aren't strong enough. He will turn you into an addict of sin. He will pretend to be your friend and give you all that you want if you just listen to him and true as it may be in this time, it is only temporary, when you suddenly realize you're in hell for eternity.
That's what I've learned so far.
It has come to my attention that it is good to have a clear and real understanding that satan and demons exist. As much as I believe in angels and God with His mighty infinite strength, I cannot be so naive that the devil does not have powers in this world and is capable of destroying my life even if I am a son of the most high, or genuinely am a Christian. I am not claiming or declaring that my God has no sovereignty over everything, but what I am deliberating with my written words is, your a fool to think that demons don't exist and can have no harmful affect/effects in your life.
Spiritual warfare is very real. Its too often we forget or don't even believe because of reasons such as these: we cannot see spiritual warfare tangibly, we expect something dramatically awful that it would be difficult not to notice it (like a shark taking chunk of your body in one bite), we naively believe the fact that God will protect us, without any participation on our part to actually practice or equip ourselves with the spiritual disciplines from God, or simply we are in denial that evilness actually lurks within our lives. It's hard to understand how evil works, when we do not understand how sin applies to our practical lives. Sin in our lives is the influence of and a well executed devised plan of satan.
Truth about the work of the spiritual evil ones:
He is subtle with his strategy to destroy you. He has one objective in your life, to have you go to hell and taste the freshness of pain, suffering and agony that will NEVER END, God forsaken place of eternity. Any kind of relationship that you have with people is the main instrument the evil one will have you participate in sin and have sin caused upon you. His strategy of manipulating you to sin is geometrically progressive, which means he'll trap you with small enticing and seemingly non-harmful sins (yet still a sin) that has a snowball effect; you later find yourself deep and lost in a sinful dark world. His deceptions and lies are most powerful and truth sounding in areas where you feel inadequate, insecure, and hurt. He will manipulate you to think that your close loved ones are your enemies. He has a way to make you doubt yourself. His main weapon is the scare tactic. He will give you all that you want, but NOT as soul quenching and satisfying as you had hoped and in the end you still feel empty and definitely depressed. He'll give you success in the way your pride defines it but in reality you sold or exchanged your soul for a moment's pleasure. He does a good job of distracting you with the things you like most. He will make you feel alone, that no one truly cares about you. You will know that he has a hold of you, when you have become ungrateful, pessimistic of everything, cannot trust anyone, you're constantly angry, unforgiving, bitter toward strangers and to many friends, judgmental/non-accepting of people, your thoughts are filled with lust, violence, evil exploitations and crudeness, and a narcissist. He will deceive you to believe your emotional feeling of experiences hold precedent over what is actually true or fact in reality. He'll make you feel powerful and love by many; but this power makes you obsessively paranoid and people love you for what you possess and or what they can take from you, they do NOT love you for who you are. He wants to scare you and debilitate you from actually believing God is seriously sovereign over demons/devil. He tempts you in the areas of your life where you think you aren't strong enough. He will turn you into an addict of sin. He will pretend to be your friend and give you all that you want if you just listen to him and true as it may be in this time, it is only temporary, when you suddenly realize you're in hell for eternity.
That's what I've learned so far.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
This i know yet naive i still am
Love becomes sharper with time.
Grace shall raise a man.
A test for love is to contain, to have command in a give, a wait, and receive.
Love is pure in submission to the greater love.
Love is secure established and lived in truth.
Love is more than affections.
Love seeks to understand the heart.
Love exercises the mind.
Love suffers silently and with a deeper purpose.
Love has a focus.
Love is about Him, You, and me.
Love is intentionally purposeful.
Love shall illuminate the good.
Love shall shed light on the conflict.
Love identifies the wound.
Love gains trust.
Love consumes the heart and mind and unites differences.
Love begets love.
Love empowers and delivers consistently.
Love fuels virtue.
Love responds wisely.
Love thinks, feels, speaks, listens, gives, cares, endeavors and sacrifices.
Love is committed, dedicated, faithful, steadfast, enduring.
Love is harmonious.
Love penetrates through barriers.
Love speaks quietly and heard quite audibly.
Love shall experience.
Love is great and greater still.
Love resides in the past, here, and later.
Love builds success.
Love protects and is unwavering.
Love discerns accurately.
Grace shall raise a man.
A test for love is to contain, to have command in a give, a wait, and receive.
Love is pure in submission to the greater love.
Love is secure established and lived in truth.
Love is more than affections.
Love seeks to understand the heart.
Love exercises the mind.
Love suffers silently and with a deeper purpose.
Love has a focus.
Love is about Him, You, and me.
Love is intentionally purposeful.
Love shall illuminate the good.
Love shall shed light on the conflict.
Love identifies the wound.
Love gains trust.
Love consumes the heart and mind and unites differences.
Love begets love.
Love empowers and delivers consistently.
Love fuels virtue.
Love responds wisely.
Love thinks, feels, speaks, listens, gives, cares, endeavors and sacrifices.
Love is committed, dedicated, faithful, steadfast, enduring.
Love is harmonious.
Love penetrates through barriers.
Love speaks quietly and heard quite audibly.
Love shall experience.
Love is great and greater still.
Love resides in the past, here, and later.
Love builds success.
Love protects and is unwavering.
Love discerns accurately.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Where do his affections go..?
he gives freely and still awaits to know...
his heart faints being poured out...
shall he continue until he's all out...?
he looks to the heavens above, for his cries to be heard...
desired to be filled with a deeper love...
a love never to be scarred...
befallen on him the pure white dove...
freely he will give...
his heart will live...
he will pursue...
he waits for this wish to be true...
he gives freely and still awaits to know...
his heart faints being poured out...
shall he continue until he's all out...?
he looks to the heavens above, for his cries to be heard...
desired to be filled with a deeper love...
a love never to be scarred...
befallen on him the pure white dove...
freely he will give...
his heart will live...
he will pursue...
he waits for this wish to be true...
Monday, March 8, 2010
May i hold your hand?
The uneasiness of this is, i'm so new to this...
The way i feel seems too ludicrous...
To show you my cards...
Almost without self-regard...
Is this what man shall do..?
Shall he walk to uncertainty, without a clue..?
To walk filled with hope that this would be true...
i carry on to know if this glass shoe would be for you...
Affections Released...
Hoping this ends like beauty & the beast...
My barriers now brought low...
Here i am, nothing more to show...
You are beautiful...
You are wonderful...
Your joy and delight is mine...
i bless God for in you is divine...
Beside you, as i now stand,
I wonder may i hold your Hand..?
The way i feel seems too ludicrous...
To show you my cards...
Almost without self-regard...
Is this what man shall do..?
Shall he walk to uncertainty, without a clue..?
To walk filled with hope that this would be true...
i carry on to know if this glass shoe would be for you...
Affections Released...
Hoping this ends like beauty & the beast...
My barriers now brought low...
Here i am, nothing more to show...
You are beautiful...
You are wonderful...
Your joy and delight is mine...
i bless God for in you is divine...
Beside you, as i now stand,
I wonder may i hold your Hand..?

Friday, March 5, 2010
Daughter Embraced with Majesty

She cannot be seen with human eyes...
She is a Good friend, entitled best helper...
Discerning eyes can she be seen, thus thy heart shall rise...
Her soul has no limit; to think one arrived errs, she's deeper...
With her, one enters a safe-home, a prepared sanctuary...
Her heart is that of a mother, unconditional...
Her strength is her joy deeply-seated, mysteriously...
Her beauty knows no bound, inviolable & indestructible...
She stands on the timeless Ebenezer...
A message she shall deliver...
King of Glory upon her crown...
Again her form knows no bound...
She is radically & intimately known...
Her being is not seen by human reasons...
Maybe one shall touch her, after many seasons...
She is living proof of God's love divine...
Her guidance of her siblings, The Father delights in...
In her weakness is power and authority...
Pride resides, nonetheless defined by humility...
She thought to receive is better than to give in regard of totality...
But all the while others watch as she does well to apply giving is better than to receive...
Which of these is she..?
Truth be told His Glory both gave and received...
Fearfully and wonderfully made,
A daughter embraced with majesty...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
If you did not know.
I fix my eyes toward yours,
As if to see inside your doors.
You may have a clue, if any longer that I gaze,
I look away to prevent me from this craze
But I wish you could see what I feel.
This is what I felt, you tearing down these walls of steel
I guess its true a man could melt.
I have come to this conclusion,
I will give you my admiration.
I no longer want just friends,
I want to win your heart,
But here is my simple problem,
I guess it just depends,
If you will meet me with the other part,
to receive me in your heart.
I will move to the next.
Here I am, I hold my breath.
I wait for you to meet me.
My affections go free.
As if to see inside your doors.
You may have a clue, if any longer that I gaze,
I look away to prevent me from this craze
But I wish you could see what I feel.
This is what I felt, you tearing down these walls of steel
I guess its true a man could melt.
I have come to this conclusion,
I will give you my admiration.
I no longer want just friends,
I want to win your heart,
But here is my simple problem,
I guess it just depends,
If you will meet me with the other part,
to receive me in your heart.
I will move to the next.
Here I am, I hold my breath.
I wait for you to meet me.
My affections go free.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
his heart for Her

I see a part of you
Is what I see, a dream which fades in the waking morning?
Only to exist in the desire to see what my heart wants.
Time can only tell that which I have seen and heard.
Daily I approach, in hope of meeting the whole you.
I am weary to discover, I was lost in a dream you impersonated.
But I keep learning the beauty of your song.
A song my heart delights in.
Are you the artist?
Or are you a faux?
Time away, abandons me in my mind.
Thoughts begin to ponder.
I am affected by your absence.
Reason seems to battle my emotions.
Reason to remain distant and move near.
Emotions to embrace without regard.
I like the parts of you.
Objectivity is complicated.
I am pleased to be here.
So.., here I remain watching and listening
to this Mockingbird sing.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I saw pretty and wondered where you came from...
I came for a closer look and pretty as you are, you bit me...
Curious to why something so pretty should bite...
I observed from afar and near enough to hear...
And I heard a beautiful song from such a pretty being...
Is your song empty promises or are they eternally faithful?
I began to wonder, what will I find, hidden in your garden?
I walked to your gate.
I said hello and vocally admired your beauty.
This time pretty smiled, then I left.
I returned to your gate.
And there we spoke.
Three words I spoke of you: attractive, mysterious, interesting.
You opened ajar your gate.
Into uncharted territory.
Emotions stirred wanted, but not wanted.
We walk side by side.
I look forward to see.
Friend you are.
But cannot resist, also my crush.
I came for a closer look and pretty as you are, you bit me...
Curious to why something so pretty should bite...
I observed from afar and near enough to hear...
And I heard a beautiful song from such a pretty being...
Is your song empty promises or are they eternally faithful?
I began to wonder, what will I find, hidden in your garden?
I walked to your gate.
I said hello and vocally admired your beauty.
This time pretty smiled, then I left.
I returned to your gate.
And there we spoke.
Three words I spoke of you: attractive, mysterious, interesting.
You opened ajar your gate.
Into uncharted territory.
Emotions stirred wanted, but not wanted.
We walk side by side.
I look forward to see.
Friend you are.
But cannot resist, also my crush.
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