This summer of 2010 was a different kind. A significant transition occurred; among my intimate friends we decided to establish ourselves at Rock Harbor Fullerton church and call it our home. It has been a great blessing to belong at this congregation where the Spirit is evidently active and inspiring His people into action as doers of the Word. As I embark on my journey at Rock Harbor Fullerton, I am led by the Spirit to meditate more about what spreading the love could look like for this particular chapter of my life.
In the midst of getting involved, a few of my life group sisters shared their passionate story about volunteering at SOLFUL camp and how they needed more volunteers. Basically the city of Fullerton took a hit when “California budget cuts have forced the closure of summer school and given thousands of children no where to go.” Therefore SOLFUL, also known as Summer of Love Fullerton Camp came into existence as an initiative act to meet this need; which by the way was decided among a band of churches (including Rock Harbor Fullerton) who have passionate hearts to transform the Fullerton community. How cool is that!? As I heard about the unfortunate situation of these children, my heart immediately was stirred up to do something and I knew it was God’s way of directing me to this opportunity; the opportunity to be a catalyst for love by giving my time to SOLFUL camp and creating space in me for the Spirit work through me.
As the days pass by at camp, God was illuminating things to me about love and children. I came into camp as a stranger to these kids without a clue of what God intended for me and over time building my relationship I’ve become somewhat of a hero to them. My relationship with the children grew stronger. By engaging in their lives I became more attached and consequently my affections for them progressively deepened. So when I realized my position of the significant influence I have over them; it was not long that I arrived to understand the importance and profound impact I could have long-term in such tiny beautiful little beings . When SOLFUL camp reached its’ half way mark, I began to continually asked myself a very serious and sobering question: How can I express love on to these children and have it possible for them to personally experience this kind of love in a soul touching, meaningful way? I think it’s fascinating to be reminded time after time by how much I can learn from my relationships.
The Holy Spirit enlightened me as I meditated on my interaction at camp. The love my kids at camp needed is someone (me) genuinely to support and believe in them. To love them by taking the time/ effort to discern, then meet them wherever they're at and guide them properly through the reality of life. Do not mistake me for talking about the prevalent unsubstantial Christianity “fluff” where too often we smother children with praises because we’re so worried they may acquire low self-esteem and so we compromise and they become prideful or that which we distract them with gifts just so children can forget about/ escape their hurts without ever guiding them to confront challenges, sheltering them from reality or when we lack firmness and not follow through with disciplinary consequences because we ourselves cannot endure to experience the uneasiness of children going through something difficult of admonishment, etc. Sadly, I’m not exempt from these examples but now I choose to love wisely with conviction.
Love has many different sides when expressing it given the context. I had the opportunity and joy to practice loving well. I was put into situations of consoling children who were teased at, giving affirmation appropriately when it was called for, standing alongside befriending a few who struggled to be part of the "clique," encouraging a few who felt insecure playing soccer because they weren’t as good as some kids were, and executing disciplinary course of action when a child at camp was deviant and had a negative attitude, regardless of situation the Spirit was so gracious to empower me with discernment for when administering the right kind of love. I wish you could see the transformation that happened to my kids at camp when love is expressed just right. Their joyful attitude is so evident by their faces and the respect they had for me increased by their change of behavior for the better.
I grew more of a firm believer that love is intentional and with purpose. SOLFUL was not a program to babysit but I believe it was about empowering children to be the individual they were designed by God to be. I was so amazed of my children; I saw many of them find new strength to their spirit that was not there before. When children are at their weak point in of themselves or in need, I gave compassion and took delight in who they were as persons, that by my action I expressed an important message I wanted them to feel and understand: they are worthy to be love and cared for unconditionally. I guess what I'm trying to say too is God does just the same to us as adults.